Skills For Future



16 Important Skills Professionals Need To Build ‘Future-Proof’ Careers

With automation, artificial intelligence and remote work increasingly becoming norms, smart professionals are equipping themselves with versatile toolkits of skills to “future-proof” their careers. Navigating the job market of the future requires a proactive approach to learning and a keen awareness—and embrace—of emerging technology trends.

Below, Forbes Coaches Council members share some of the top skills today’s employees need to develop in order to bolster their careers as much as possible and withstand the potential economic and industry disruptions of the future. As the impact of emerging technologies continues to unfold, start building these relevant skills today to maintain strong marketability and a resilient résumé.

1. Human-Centric Leadership

Beyond evolving technical skills, there will be an increased demand for strong emotional intelligence and leadership skills. As technology continues to automate certain tasks, human abilities such as empathy, creativity and adaptability will become even more valuable. It is crucial for employees to also focus on developing these human-centric skills in order to stand out and thrive in their careers. – Andrea WanerstrandA3 Culture Lab

2. Digital Literacy

In 2024, building a future-proof career requires a blend of adaptable skills and forward-thinking abilities. As technology continues to reshape various industries, individuals must master digital literacy skills. Additionally, cultivating a growth mindset, fostering resilience and embracing lifelong learning can provide the agility needed to thrive in an ever-changing job market. – Lorie PointerLorie Pointer Coaching

3. Clear Expectation Setting

In today’s fast-paced tech landscape, marked by advancements such as AI, employees need to demonstrate the ability to get their work done. They must integrate expectation setting into communication strategies. This ensures clarity on goals, timelines and deliverables, which is vital for effective collaboration. Most importantly, addressing uncommunicated expectations fosters understanding. – Steve WalshExceptional Transformations LLC

4. Navigating Uncertainty

Knowing how to navigate uncertainty is a core capability that will serve people well in 2024. Self-awareness is key: knowing your values and having a sense of what makes for a life that you love. Since employees work together, communication skills are paramount. Every worthwhile undertaking requires teamwork. The bottom line here is trust. It’s about relationships and intimacy. – Duncan SkeltonDuncan Skelton Coaching Ltd

5. A Growth Mindset

Whether you stay with the same company, change companies or start your own business, it is critical to have a desire to constantly learn and grow. Continued growth and learning will make you more valuable in a world that is continuously changing. It will allow you to contribute knowledge and skills that never become obsolete while avoiding personal boredom. – Andrea BullardAndrea Bullard & Company

6. A Mix Of Technical And Soft Skills

Focus on developing a mix of technical and soft skills. Technical skills such as data literacy and AI familiarity are crucial in an increasingly digital world. Equally important are soft skills such as adaptability, emotional intelligence and creative problem-solving, which enable individuals to navigate complex, ever-changing work environments effectively. Continuous learning is always key. – Lital Marom, LITAL MAROM

7. Embracing Change

Employees need a willingness to embrace change. The days of doing the same thing in the same way are long past. Employees need to be willing to innovate, accelerate, and then innovate again. – Erica McCurdyMcCurdy Solutions Group LLC

8. Relationship Building

Even as new technologies continue to upend how and where we work, relationships remain essential. The ability to build strong relationships with direct reports, peers and anyone to whom you report or are accountable is something that remains critical and isn’t likely to change in the future. – Carol GeffnerCB Vision LLC.

9. Efficient, Accurate Task Completion

Employers want people who can get stuff done and do it in the right way. So, employees should focus on five things: 1. gaining clarity by understanding what, why and shared belief levels; 2. creative thinking to avoid diving in and repeating mistakes; 3. collaboration, or creatively considering who can help get it done; 4. critical thinking to make robust decisions; and finally, 5. commitment to making it happen. – Ricky MuddimerThinking Focus

10. Emotional Intelligence

To future-proof their careers, employees should focus on strengthening their emotional intelligence to navigate diverse working relationships and collaborate effectively. This includes developing the self-awareness, empathy and interpersonal skills necessary to thrive in collaborative and dynamic workplaces. – Dani WatsonThe Clique

11. Current Knowledge Of Evolving Industries

The only constant in this world anymore is change. For the engineers and technical professionals I coach, it’s critical to stay informed of evolving industries and the skills required to continue advancing your career. One example is AI and how this technological advancement is impacting every industry today. Developing and conveying marketable skills will keep you relevant. – Luke FeldmeierOnline Leadership Training – Career and Leadership Accelerator for Engineers

12. Adaptability

Be open to change and be adaptable as the environment changes around you. I know this sounds like a cliché, but given how fast ways of working are changing, to try and predict what the future could look like is a foolhardy exercise. – Basav Ray ChaudhuriCoach with Basav

13. Openness To Feedback

Be open to feedback and learning to stay relevant. Feedback helps you become a better version of yourself. It’s a gift that helps you evolve. Stay open and learn from others so you can bring new capabilities and fresh approaches that add value to our ever-changing world. – Cheryl BreukelmanEpiphany Coaches Inc.

14. Problem-Solving And Decision-Making Fundamentals

Too often, being future-proof is characterized as making good predictions about what will be relevant and then developing those skills, often to just catch up. However, strong fundamentals around problem-solving and decision-making are universal capabilities that will help future-proof against any new challenges. These are the most robust foundational abilities. – Jamie FlinchbaughJFlinch

15. Communication

Communication is the most important skill employees need to build a career in 2024. Adaptability is needed to stay current in skill development and grow in your job, yet the increased reliance on technology, data analysis and AI requires the ability to collaborate with others, explain things and develop trusting relationships. Those who communicate well are likely to be tapped as potential leaders. – Jill TipographTipograph Careers

16. Self-Respect

Have self-respect! Do work that rewards you and fairly compensates you. Negotiate for what you want, don’t simply settle for what is offered to you. Additionally, keep developing yourself beyond the position you originally wanted and consider having a side hustle that allows you to test your skills and knowledge acquisition. Do right by you for a future-proof career in 2024. 
